We develop theoretical foundations
for future generations of intelligent robots.

The Computational Robotics Lab (CRL) is a research group within the Department of Computer Science at ETH Zurich. CRL is led by Prof. Dr. Stelian Coros.

We develop theoretical foundations to shape the way future generations of robots are made, how they operate in complex environments, and how they interact with us. In this quest, we define Computational Robotics as the fusion of simulation, algorithms and data. In brief, we formalize advanced simulation models to provide robots with an innate understanding of the laws of physics. Leveraging these models, we devise practical algorithms for motion planning, motion control and computational design problems. Whenever possible, we exploit data to efficiently learn solution spaces, to create faithful digital twins through real-to-sim methodologies, and to enable humans to teach robots new skills.

To learn more about our work, please take a look at our publications. We are grateful for past and present sponsorship from Intel, Microsoft, Swiss Post, Hilti, Disney Research, BOBST, the SNF and the European Research Council.